About Us
Shelter Link is an all volunteer 501(c)3 organization created in October 2008 to help the animals in the Long Island community. We volunteer with local shelters. We have a feral cat TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) program for local residents. We have a canine spay neuter program which assists financially for those in need of help. We have several educational programs including TNR workshops, school visits, and attend many local fairs so we can speak directly with the community and work with them on responsible pet ownership. We also strive to educate the public on the benefits of spaying / neutering their pets and the huge pet overpopulation in the United States due to unfixed animals. We are the link between the animal shelter and the community and by all working together we hope to improve the lives of many animals.
Our Mission
Shelter Link is an extraordinary rescue organization dedicated to saving those animals both in the shelter and out that are not covered by any other programs; those that have no one to care for them and, in the case of ferals, many consider a nuisance.
We promote the Babylon town animal shelter animals by sharing their Facebook pages. We have an adoption book with photos and bios of each dog available. We also take the dogs out to adoption events for the shelter as well as holding events at the shelter.
Our mission begins at our local municipal shelter where we walk, socialize, and teach the dogs basic skills. Our volunteer certified dog trainers work on some of the harder issues. The goal is to make each one of them more adoptable. We also socialize and groom cats to make them more adoptable.
We host dog training classes for our volunteers, foster parents and other interested people. We cover dog - human relationships, understanding body language, general care and nutrition, and basic obedience training.
In order to achieve a meaningful reduction in the surplus pit bull population, we have initiated an innovative free spay / neuter program for both pure-breds and mixes of this breed. Through community outreach programs promoting spay / neuter, as well as educating about humane and responsible pet care, we expect to impact the neediest communities in our township and reduce the overall numbers of pits entering our municipal shelter.
To help contain the ever-rising number of feral cats we offer a low cost TNR program with participating veterinarians.
Shelter Link is proudly sponsored by It Makes Scents.